Forensic medicine is often considered to be a subset of toxicology where knowledge of the methodologies or clinical trials of the substances is used in the investigation of a crime to examine the causes of injury or death.

Forensic medicine and toxicology is the subject dealt for second year students. The students get training in various legal procedures, professional ethics and etiquette, mechanical injuries, post-mortem changes, toxicology, etc.


At the end of the course in the Forensic Medicine, the B.H.M.S. student will be:

  • Able to understand the basic concept of the subject and its importance.
  • Aware of inquest, legal and court procedures applicable to medico-legal and medical practice.
  • Aware of code of ethics, duties and rights of medical practitioner, duties towards patients and community, punishment on violation of code of ethics, various forms of medical negligence, duties towards his professional colleagues.
  • Able to understand medicolegal post-mortem & autopsy findings and results of other relevant investigations for logical conclusion and framing the opinion on cause, manner and time since death.
  • Able to identify the medicolegal cases, carry out medical examination in such cases and prepare medicolegal report as per the law of the land.
  • Able to diagnose and manage the cases of acute and chronic poisoning and can carry out medicolegal duties.
  • Aware of general principles of Environmental, Occupational Toxicology including Toxicovigilance and Predictive Toxicology.
  • Aware of latest advances in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and their medicolegal importance.
  • Last but not the least, will be able to understand the relationship of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology with other Homoeopathic subjects like Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy & Psychology, along with allied subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Practice of Medicine due to integrated way of teaching the subject proper.

Department Overview

1.Weighing Machine (Dial Type)01
2.Equipment for measuring height01
3.Vernier Calipers01
4.SPECIMENS-(Organic, Inorganic, Poisons &Chemicals)42
5.Acts / legislations (including Medico legal) and Regulations15

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Teaching Staff

1.Dr. Girish BochareProfessor & HODD.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom)
2.Dr. Kapil KhandaitAssistant ProfessorB.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom)
3.Dr. Apoorv ChoudharyGuest Associate ProfessorM.B.B.S.