Homoeopathic Materia Medica is department deals with study of drugs in relation with their pathogenesity on the human body. This subject has major contribution in the curriculum as taught in all four years of the BHMS course. This subject taught to the students in both theory and clinical classes in each year by the faculty.

Dept. of  Materia   Medica  is  S.K.R.P. Gujarati Homoeopathic Medical  College is concerned to the student  of BHMS ( Ist  to  IV th   Prof. ) under MPMSU  Jabalpur. (M.P.)


At the end of the course, the B.H.M.S. student will be:

  • List the methods of construction of Materia Medica.
  • Enumerate the method of action of drugs.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply Materia Medica in practical situation.
  • Recall the drug pictures of medicines listed.
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop the drug picture and demonstrate the knowledge of the relative importance of the individual drug (during first and second year).
  • Compare and contrast the drugs listed and understand their relationship (during Third and Final year).
  • Demonstrate application of knowledge of Materia Medica in clinical practice (during Third and Final year).

Department Overview

1.Charts on medicines of Ophidia group, Spider family, Nosodes and Sarcodes.37
2.Typical Picture-wise presentation of drugs.12
3.Total Number of Specimens for identification74
4.Number of books in Departmental Library53


1.Dr. Komal  JoshiProfessor & HODD.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom)
2.Dr .Pravin K. ChaubeyAssociate ProfessorB.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom)
3.Dr. Shreyance ParakhAsst. ProfessorB.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom)