Obstetrics and gynaecology is the medical specialty that encompasses the two subspecialties of obstetrics (covering pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period) and gynecology (covering the health of the female reproductive system – vagina, uterus, ovaries, and breasts)
- 21 Model for innovative teaching techniques like female reproductive section, embryonic development, female pelvic, fetal skull etc.
- 05 specimen in Department like uterine fibroid and ovary with 16 different charts which are made by our students like mechanism of labour, investigation in gynecology ,contraception methods
At the end of the course, the B.H.M.S. student will be:
- To know the normal progress of pregnancy and delivery and the common abnormalities found in a general practice.
- To know the effects of common medical problems on pregnancy and delivery.
- To know the indications for the use of fetal monitors.
- To have a current knowledge of indications for and side effects of analgesics or anesthetics in labour and delivery.
- To be aware of the special needs of both the mother and the infant during labour and the immediate postpartum period.
- Be able to assess progress of labour and recognize deviations from normal at the earliest possible time.
- Be able to perform episiotomy and repair, if indicated
- Be able to do an accurate assessment and undertake care of the neonate during the hospital stay.Be able to assist in the visual inspection of the placenta
Department Overview
S.No. | Items | Available |
1. | Total number of Charts | 16 |
2. | Total number of Models | 21 |
3. | No. of Equipment’s for identification | 61 |
4. | Number of books in Departmental Library | 122 |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification |
1. | Prof. Dr. Preeti Kawthekar | Professor & HOD | D.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom) |
2. | Prof. Dr. Neelam Dalal | Guest Professor | M.S |
3. | Dr.Sarita Sankla | Asst. Professor | B.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom) |